Serve like Jesus served.

Cross Point has many opportunities for you to be involved and to serve. If one of the below opportunities interests you, use the contact links to reach out to the ministry leader. If you would like to know more about other opportunities, please contact the Cross Point office at 256.764.4073.

Children's Ministry

We love children at Cross Point! We have a vibrant Children's Ministry for kids birth through 6th grade. Our Children's Ministers and the army of volunteers that assist with our Bible classes and children's programs want to support families through love, care, and teaching about Jesus and God's promises. There are numerous activities and ways to get involved with children's programs at Cross Point and with children in need within our community.

To find out more, visit our Children's Ministry page.

Chosen: Foster Care and Adoption

Cross Point’s Chosen Foster Care and Adoption Ministry exists to raise awareness and educate our church body and community on the plight of vulnerable children. Our goal is to be a body of believers who act upon God’s call to care for the fatherless. Our mission is to support and assist foster and adoptive families emotionally, financially, and prayerfully.

For more information about this ministry, contact Christi Lambert or Anisa Thompson.

Friendship Center

At the back of our campus, you will find a cheerful place where those in need in the Florence community can find food, clothing, furniture, appliances, and other items they need. The love of Jesus and Word of God are shared with individuals who come through the Friendship Center doors. Volunteers are needed on a weekly basis to sort, organize, and distribute donated items to our community.

Ladies Ministry


The events that are planned by the Ladies Ministry are important in fulfilling the mission of our church family. The primary focus of our ministry is to equip and motivate the ladies of our congregation to use their gifts, talents, and experiences to fulfill their ministry. Lessons and devotionals encourage service, setting Godly priorities, and sharing the Gospel. The activities we plan strengthen relationships so that service and sharing can happen. Our ladies are involved in seeking and saving the lost through many opportunities Cross Point offers, such as volunteering at the Friendship Center, Ambassadors of Love, HeartFelt mentoring, teaching of classes, World Bible School, and many other ways. Our Ladies Ministry events are geared to encourage women in their daily spiritual walk so that they can grow and mature in their relationship with God and with the body of Christ. Click the email icon above to communicate with a Ladies Ministry team member.

Life Groups



Life Groups provide a way for our church family to go deeper into the Word and deeper in our relationships with each other. They provide a casual setting to invite others to grow and go through life with us. Life Groups meet on various days in various locations all over the Shoals.

Click the email icon above to contact the Life Groups coordinator, Chase Akins.

Men's Ministry


The Cross Point Men’s Ministry is focused on helping our men be Godly. We make disciples by equipping our men with scriptural reinforcement of who we are in Christ, and we become a community of believers accountable to each other and to God. We are currently in the Pursuit, 40-week study of Man Church curriculum. We will have 3-4 large group events yearly and will offer multiple service projects throughout the year. We offer multiple weekly meetings and would welcome you to join us. Click the email icon above to contact Michael Butz for more information.



At Cross Point, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world is one of our top priorities. Cross Point supports missionaries across the world, as well as in the States, with financial assistance, prayer, and encouragement. With God's provision, we support mission points in Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Kenya, Mexico, New York, the South Pacific, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. We support members who go on short-term mission trips as well because we believe that sharing the Gospel is not only the church's mission, but also can be an individual's mission, too. Cross Point has an annual Family Mission Trip to Antigua and Barbuda, where the Gospel is shared through Vacation Bible School and a soccer camp. This Family Mission Trip is a good way for families to do mission work together. If you would like to learn more about ways to get involved with missions at Cross Point, please click the email icon above to connect with the Missions Committee.

Recovery Support



for anyone with a relative or friend for whom drugs or alcohol have become a problem

Thursdays at 7:00 pm / Saturdays at 10:00 am in Adult Center #23


Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in Adult Center #27


Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday at 7:00 pm in ROC #10

Join us as we figure out life together. As a community of college students, we challenge ourselves to commit to building each other up and growing as we learn from our mistakes. No fluff. No flashy lights. No one claiming to be perfect. Just a body of believers wanting to know Christ better. Connect with our minister, Jake Leonard, for more information.

Worship Ministry


We want our worship to be a vibrant offering of praise to our Father in Heaven and an encouragement to those in attendance. Worship assemblies may include the reading of God's Word, praying, preaching, communing together, and singing.

If you have the gifts of singing, reading, speaking, or running technology, we need you to help serve in worship assemblies! Click the email icon above or contact our office to connect with our Worship Minister, Chase.

Youth Ministry


Cross Point Youth Group meets in our Student Center in a place we call the LOFT. It's a place to hang out, have fun, and fellowship with other teens from the North Alabama area. Our teens serve together in many ways in our community. In our Youth Group everyone will find a place. You'll get to know God, other teens, and have the opportunity to serve others in the community.

Visit our Youth Ministry page and connect with our Youth Minister.